

Direction (direction)

By default, Coordinate moves down each column when Collecting data. This setting allows users to move across rows (left to right).

Notification sounds (sounds)

Enabling this setting adds a sound both when finishing a column and once the last cell in the grid has been filled.

Unique values (unique and unique-options)

This setting allows the user to disallow duplicated values on a per grid basis, per project basis, or entirely within the app.


Scaling (resize)

The user can use this setting adjust how large the grid UI is in the Collect Data screen.


Project export (export)

Projects can be exported with each grid being a single file (all contained within in a zipped file) or all grids appended to a single CSV file.

Share exports (share)

This setting will utilize the Android share system, allowing the exported file to be sent using different apps already installed on the device.


Define storage location (storage-location)

This setting allows for the modification of the default Storage Location.

Database (database)

The internal database can be exported, imported, or deleted. Deleting the database will entirely erase all data that was collected and any other customizations that have been made within Coordinate.